The Ambition Planner

Apr 25, 20222 min

How organizing your space increases productivity

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

Spring clean your mind and watch your productivity increase

Can you believe we're already entering spring?! It feels like just last week they announced we were going into lockdown, and now we're finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel! (That light might just be the sun peeking out at us from behind the gray, winter clouds, but it's still light.)

After the year we've had, I think it's safe to say we are all ready for a new beginning and we're looking forward to diving back into how life was before this craziness started.

Spring is all about new beginnings, blooming into something beautiful, and thriving...which is exactly what we're doing for Q2 (and we're pretty excited about it)!

Friends, I don't know about you, but I've got a feeling this year is about to be great. After all, life really is what you make it. Getting yourself into the right headspace is the very first step on the path of being successful and happy, and that's what we're here to help you do!

Being organized can make a world of difference in your mental state.

Just imagine, if you're constantly struggling to keep up with important reminders, dates, etc. and your mind is just a big mess of thoughts, you will be consistently worrying and in a state of stress....which is *not* fun. Here are a few things you can do right now to take control of your mental well-being and come into the new season stronger:

  • Write down important dates, times, and reminders in your planner for the week.

  • Plan a couple meals/snacks in advance.

  • Find an affirmation that fits your current needs and jot it down somewhere you look often.

  • Create a quick budget and spending limit for your week.

While these are just some basic tips, they are common causes of stress that people don't realize can be quickly eliminated with a little bit of planning ahead of time. Your time is valuable and irreplaceable, so don't waste it worrying and trying to catch up on what you're missing by being unorganized.

Now that you've physically organized your surroundings, it's time to shift the focus to your emotions and thoughts. It's true when people tell you that what you constantly think will come's called manifesting! Normally, we choose to use this to manifest our goals and dreams, but unfortunately, this can mean manifesting negative thoughts as well....which is why we want to eliminate those from our heads. Instead of putting all of your energy into pushing the bad thoughts away, try filling your mind with positivity and self-love. Tell yourself you are capable, loved, and worthy. Tell yourself over and over again and write it down.

Now believe it.

Challenge yourself this spring to completely transform your mindset and create a positive headspace for yourself, and watch how your productivity and well-being will completely flourish!
